Louise Missen SN: How was it for you? LM: Bloody amazing! I don't even know where to start - a week on and I'm still in awe not just of the organisation that went in but the fantastic atmosphere everyone brought with them - it was just wonderful. My partners David, Chris and Heather were brilliant and it was great to have so much fun on the dance floor SN: How was it different from London based comps? LM: This has been commented on before but bears repeating - the organisers have just clearly taken everything negative from the competition circuit that they've experienced and found a way to eliminate those issues. The net result is a much more intimate, relaxed and friendly champs than I've experienced (though my disclaimer is I haven't been to many other champs!) Particular highlights - reasonably priced food on site, flexibility when the timings got a bit muddled (quickly inserting freestyle between rounds so top cats could check their results) and the f...