i wrote the other day about a friend of mine who's gone. people read those words and, some knowing much and others knowing little, drew conclusions and some appreciated them. i said i had to write them 'cos sometimes that's all you can do. Some people drew breath, others found more disquiet. One aired his dis-ease with a common sense balancing that there are two sides to this story. In fact there are more, but as i type i'm thinking of one particular person. There are times when you pinch yourself: when life throws a blinding hand. So it was one Southport dance when i danced with a woman of grace, elegance and humour for the first time after many months of marvelling at her dancing. She smiled at my nerves, she tolerated my mistakes and she moved as if she were a blossom dancing in the lightest breeze. She and i danced more over time to my astonishment she would ask me to dance: i got less nervous and she maintained her tolerance and encouragi...