In this edition of the series on Ceroc Northern Champs, we hear from organiser Jamie Stormer and competitor, Heather Passmore. Jamie's up first... I first contacted Jamie about the idea of running a blog about the Northern Champs in May - I think he realised it was going to be a big deal (the event, not the blog) and so it turned out. I spoke to him at the time in a blog post which really set people talking (I think there was a thought that someone somewhere snaps their fingers and these events just happen) Clearly they don't they take a lot of planning and hard work. You'll find what Jamie said here: Photo: Stephen North SN: I hope you had chance to soak in and enjoy the day, it was pretty special - lots of love in that room. Are you aware of the impact it's had already? JS: I LOVED the day. I really did have a fantastic view of the crowd and the dance floor so I got ...