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How a Competition is born - the visiting competitors

Louise Missen and Heather Passmore started competing together relatively recently, both having had competition experience in London in the past.  Like Hannah and Julie, they compete as a couple but also separately in a mix of categories.  I've known them and danced with them both for years - they share an interest in the line of the music and a great quality of connection.  Obviously it's their first visit to Northern Champs and I was curious to know how they viewed going to a new competition.

I sent them some questions and they are the latest in my "How a Competition is born" series - you can read more of these by clicking on the "Ceroc Northern Champs" link in the right hand menu - but only after you've read their sparkling prose (and looked at my photos)

Photo: Stephen North

SN: Why do you want to compete at Manchester? 

LM: All the competitions we’ve done so far have had a different vibe – it’s really interesting and really fun going to new venues, meeting new dancers and experiencing the differences in atmosphere and intensity. We’ve also been lucky enough to meet amazing dancers from this part of the country so it’s a great opportunity to visit them on their turf. Finally it felt ideal timing wise, coming a month after champs; we had something to get excited about and look forward to. 

HP: Ceroc Northern Champs is a brand new competition with its own stamp. Yes, there will be some judges, DJs and competitors from other competitions but it is exciting to be there at the start. It’s somewhere we can go to get away from London, enjoy spending time with some of the amazing people we’ve met through our years of dancing and do what we love doing best. Louise and I have only recently started competing together and enjoy testing the water at different venues and different competitions. I am also extremely excited that I am able to enter a variety of categories as a lead, and that is something unique to Northern Champs. 

SN: You're both predominately London dancers now but your roots were outside London - where does your inspiration come from? 

LM: · I started dancing at uni but have taken some gaps out since then. I think taking one of those breaks to clear my mind, plus finding a dance partner who I clicked so well with, has been the most important thing in getting me back into dancing. Watching some of the incredible dancers at recent champs is such an inspiration too - Ceroc is spoilt for quality at the moment.

HP: I started dancing thanks to a science teacher at secondary school. I was encouraged to join at the age of 15 because I was so quiet and shy and didn’t socialise very much. Modern jive has opened my eyes to a world full of fun, amazing people and new experiences. I owe Alison a lot for that! As a lead, my inspiration comes from the music, atmosphere and my partner. I always want to show off my partner as well as I can and also make each dance exciting for my partner and anyone watching – particularly in a competition style scenario. 

SN: What are the three best pieces of advice you have had as you prepare for competition? 


  • “Hit the breaks” has been mentioned several times - as well as 'have fun'/'play with the music'. It sounds a bit cliched but it's been really helpful. 
  • Individually for me, being told to keep my head up and 
  • make eye contact has been one of the more useful tips both for competition and in general freestyle. 

HP: The typical ones: 

  • Eat plenty 
  • Keep Hydrated 
  • Don’t knock yourself down if you don’t do as well as you were hoping. 
The not-so typical ones: 

  • ‘Own your own hotness’ - I was told this by a close friend of mine (cough - Stephen North)* and it has transformed how I feel about dancing. If you feel amazing, it will emanate from you and other people will feel amazing, watching you. Think ‘I’m sexy and I know it!!’ – it will show! 
  • Have a positive attitude throughout – we don't want to be one of those cliché couples who don’t talk to anyone else and get upset when they get knocked out, or don’t place. Socialise and have fun! That’s the whole point! If you don’t look like you’re having fun, you’re not doing it right!
  • Make a weekend of it! Most competitions (like Northern champs) have a fun freestyle the night before and a tea dance the day after. You will be exhausted after the competition but get to know someone new, have a chilled afternoon at the tea dance to relax after the competition. You’ll feel better for it… even if your feet disagree on the day!
*SN - and I credit Hannah Fox with the best advice you can give a dancer :-) 

Photo: Stephen North

SN: You are both accomplished leads and follows. As a same gender couple, not unique but rare in Ceroc competitions, what special benefits does it bring? 

LM: · I think we both have a better idea of what does and doesn’t work in terms of moves – I think in terms of lead and follow it’s easier for us to give each other feedback because we’re experienced in knowing what it *should* feel like. I think there are some  drawbacks though – we’ve had generic feedback that same sex couples tend to have poorer connection and it’s harder to tell where the lead and follow is so that’s something we’ve worked really hard on. 

HP: I completely agree with Lou, both having experienced both sides of the dancing coin, we are able to tell each other what feels good and what doesn’t without there being any friction due to ‘but you don’t follow/lead’. I also think that every woman has their insecurities and by training together Louise and I are able to reinforce the positives and encourage each other to try new things without worrying that we’re going to look ridiculous! The downside is that you have to think more about your costume (something I don’t get as excited about as some other women might!). I feel that I rely a lot more on feedback from judges and peers so I recommend everyone tries to get some feedback from judges on the day. 

SN: My previous posts show the importance of having fun in competition. Aside from success in competition - what do you hope to get out of your visit to Northern Champs? 

LM: · Sounds incredibly clichéd but I really want to have fun - and the way it's been promoted has focused on fun! My first experience of competition dancing was horrible – bitchy, cliquey and unpleasant – and I’m so happy to have had some more positive experiences recently that I want to keep the ball rolling. If I can walk away having made new friends and had some awesome dances I’ll be more than happy. I’m really looking forward to the Sunday tea dance too as a cool down from the competition.

HP: Competition atmospheres have changed since I started 5 years ago, so I want to go and meet new people, have some amazing dances, improve my dancing as a lead and follow and a celebratory drink regardless of how we got on! We will have danced our socks off… won’t we Louise?!

LM: If we're not utterly broken on Sunday we'll be disappointed!

SN: so there you have it, a few days to go, a couple more interviews to come - the excitement builds. By the way, I'll be revisiting the views of my kind and generous interviews after the stay tuned


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