The evenings are getting lighter, and the nights are warmer and it's time to think about how we are going to spend our time before Southport. The next BIG thing for dancing folk has to be the ambitious Freestyle Kieran Moore has planned for mid May in Colchester. In time honoured fashion, I asked him a few questions about what's in store... SN: How are preparations for Prizm going? KM: Preparations are going well for Prizm! We have got a great team that is very enthusiastic and prepared to go the extra mile, to make sure this event is one not to be missed by the dance network. This is the first major event that i have run. I apply the same fundamental rules I work by with running regular freestyles events concentrating on what is best for those looking for a great night of dancing and socialising. It’s all on a much bigger scale. I'm learning new things and taking on much more of a challenge and I find this very exciting! Working with a corporate venue i...