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The evenings are getting lighter, and the nights are warmer and it's time to think about how we are going to spend our time before Southport.  The next BIG thing for dancing folk has to be the ambitious Freestyle Kieran Moore has planned for mid May in Colchester.  In time honoured fashion, I asked him a few questions about what's in store...

SN: How are preparations for Prizm going?

KM: Preparations are going well for Prizm! We have got a great team that is very enthusiastic and prepared to go the extra mile, to make sure this event is one not to be missed by the dance network. This is the first major event that i have run. I apply the same fundamental rules I work by with running regular freestyles events concentrating on what is best for those looking for a great night of dancing and socialising. It’s all on a much bigger scale. I'm learning new things and taking on much more of a challenge and I find this very exciting! Working with a corporate venue is interesting and making sure everything works for both the venue and our dancers is at the top of my priority list.

SN: What are your ambitions for this event?
KM: Before I became an event organiser, I attended major events like the Daventry Freestyles, Colossus Freestyles, Ceroc Escape Weekenders and a few others and I had a burring desire inside me to run one of these myself! To offer a platform for dancers across the country to come together on one night and take part in a major event is something I'm very passionate about and excited to offer.

I’d also like to achieve a recognition of my Ceroc Franchise, I want people to know who Ceroc Fusion are and what we are about. We took the decision to brand the event as 'One of the biggest Freestyles in History' and this was a challenge because we then really have put pressure on ourselves to make it attractive enough to ensure we have hundreds of people attend. However this is exactly what i wanted to achieve to make a mark, I hope the scale and the quality of the event impress people because at these big events the magic happens.

My goal is that people who attend Prizm, tell me 'how much they have enjoyed the event and that they will be back for the next one'.

Photo Credit: Terry Hills

SN: What’s the venue like?
LM: The Venue is a mix of Daventry and the Watford Colosseum I think. It has a very large Main Room with a large stage and balcony area. The Venue normally holds big corporate events or live bands so this is the first time the venue have had a dance event taking place. Adjacent to the Main room is the chill out room which will be draped with mood lighting to suit the atmosphere and music our exceptional DJ's will be playing. And finally upstairs is our Genre room which is small and private, perfect for different genres of music that people have a passion for Swingers, Tango dancers and those who love Motown.

The licensed bar is in the main room and this is also where the doughnuts and pancakes will be served around midnight. The entry to the venue will be a long red carpet so a perfect place to have a photo with friends taken. And finally there is a huge car park directly outside the front door that has just over 500 spaces and its completely free to use for anyone attending the event.

SN: How do people book on?
KM Its very simple to book on to the event, simply visit uk and visit the Prizm article page. At the top of the image there is a link saying 'click here to book now' follow that and enter your details, select your ticket and enter your card details. You will then receive a confirmation email. Also to help us out make sure you enter your Ceroc Membership Card Number so we can add you onto our database making a speedy entry for you into the event on the night.

SN: What’s gonna be the line up for the night?
KM: The lineup for the night is very exciting!

First of all we have the awesome Mr Paul Brooks from Ceroc Nights coming to DJ in the main room and secondly we have the pleasure of 'The Master' Mr Garry Turner joining us from Ceroc Kent.

We have two Ceroc Fusion DJ's with us on the night as well in Robert Ellis who will be playing in the chill out room and Michael Foster who is our DJ in the Genre room. I also think there is a 5th DJ who some people may of heard off called Kieran Moore The Main Room pinup will be Paul Brooks kicking the evening off with classic Ceroc tracks followed by myself and Garry who aim to push dancers in the main room with new genres, different tempos and some new tracks too, Paul will then finish off with the last hour ending at 1am.

The Genre Room will be from 10pm to 1am and we kick off with 'Swingers Hour', followed by a Motown hour set and finishing with a Tango Hour. The Chillout room is open from 8pm till 3am and Robert Ellis, Garry Turner and myself will be on a rota.  Garry and I will finish the event with a shared set which will be memorable, I promise.


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